Sunday Preview
Each Sunday
we gather at 10.30am as a church community to worship
God, to soak in God’s
Word, and to encourage one another on our Christian journey. |
This coming Sunday, 30th March, our service is being led by the Rev'd David
Knight, and we'll be singing the hymns previewed below.
Our second hymn, TETELESTAI, is
written by our own Nicola Knight.
Simply click on the link panels
below, to see and hear the others on

Hymn 342 All hail the power of Jesus name |

Hymn 55 Immortal invisible God only wise |

Hymn 556 Just as I am without one
plea |

Hymn 745 For all the saints |
by Nicola Knight
The Greek word “τετέλεσται” (tetelestai)
is used in the Gospel of John as Jesus' last words (“it is
finished”) before He gave up His spirit on the cross. “Tetelestai”
comes from the Greek root word of “telew” meaning to bring to an
end, finish, or complete.

1. Tetelestai, it is finished
As he hung upon the cross
He drank and then He bowed his head
And his spirit he gave up
2. He is risen, Hallelujah
And he sits at Gods right hand
Now our work as his disciples is
to preach throughout the land
3. He is faithful, he is just
He forgives our every sin
He will cleanse us from unrighteousness
If we just confess to Him
4. For God so loved this world
That he gave his only Son
If you believe in Him you will not die
But will have eternal life
5. Tetelestai, it is finished
But His story still goes on
We will share His Love with faith and
With prayer and praise and song